Team & Mission

Bill Poindexter
Bill Poindexter, Expedition Leader. Bill has over 60,000 miles of cycling in urban, suburban, and touring cycling experience. He is an Alternative Transportation advocate and creator of which promotes the health benefits of walking and bicycilng has; on people, the environment, and communities.

If you have interest in riding with me on the expedition please email  You will need to be an experienced cyclist.

Still looking for expedition photographer or videographer.
Internship available. If anyone wants to take on this role let me know. Time is running out.

Current behind the scene members:
Expedition route and history Advisers: Dave Fagerberg
Expedition Historian:  Dr. Robert A. Selig

 Logo Designers: Bonnie Boyles and Kevin Ryland

Randy Rasa, Kansas Cyclist, Springhill, KS
Mark Rainey, Overland Park, KS
David Rainey, Blue Springs, MO

Mission: To map out and promote the safest Bike Route
on the entire W3R-NHT for current and future users of the trail.

Secondary missions:
1. To teach people all over the world about the W3R-NHT and recognize the sacrifices of the Soldiers and Civilians made in the American Revolution for us so we can enjoy the freedom and liberty we all enjoy in America.
2. To promote cycling as a way to travel and see our National Park System.
3. To promote the benefits of cycling for travel and transportation and specifically how it encourages good health for: people, the environment, and communities