Quick update. All is good. I have been contacted by the local NBC news station regarding the expedition-so that will be good press. Here are some details about my solo S24O (sub 24hour overnight) this weekend. In preparation of the expedition, every weekend I will do a bike overnight where I ride solo or with friends to some cool location and camp overnight.
My overnight ride this weekend was to Cedar Cove Feline Conservatory in Louisburg, Kansas. I know the director, BJ, and she graciously let me camp on the property.
This place is incredible, if you have not been there, you need to go! It is a sanctuary for big cats, wolves, and other assorted exotic animals who have been abandoned, abused, and unwanted by Zoos and cannot be released into the wild because they are too domesticated by humans.
The staff there gives alot of love to these animals and I have alot of respect for them.
My ride there was mostly blacktop, when I got to 215th and Misson is switch to gravel until I reached Highway 68. I took a left and rolled to Cedar Cove. My friend BJ was giving a tour so I got to wonder around and chat with all the animals: 6 tigers, 2 african lions, a leopard, a lynx, 3mtn lions, 3 wolves, bob cats, and some other assorted animals.
BJ showed me where I could camp and I was happy to see there was a fire ring there as the temp was in the low 50s, overcast skies, and a 20 mph wind from the NW.
Once I set up camp I went exploring around Louisburg area. When I got back one of tigers was roaring and I felt like I was in some far away exotic land, not Kansas.
The founder of the conservatory came down, mowed the grass for me, and stopped by for a chat. We talked about life and his Big Cats. He even brought me a plate of food. Talk about hospitality!
As dusk drew into night the roars subsided, and the sounds of the area came alive as did my senses. I could hear cows across the road, a horse chomping on grass in the next field, dogs barking in the distance, and there were many noises I could not identify, and the one I did not want to hear was the full sprint of a tiger toward my tent, no, that never happened-three fences, electricfied wires, and some barbed wire insured I would be unmolested, but for some reason, my imagination still ran wild.
The night was cold, 45f, with the 20 mph unrelenting wind from the NW. I kept the fire going all night...just in case. :) I woke up every couple of hours to add a log, and I could hear coyotes in the area.
I got up for good at 530 and walked up to where the wolves were, since they did not know me the alpha male started to howl, then the White Tiger came from the field he was in next to the wolves enclosure, and started to stalk me through the fence. It was intense, and even though I was safe, I started to think about escape routes. I can better imagine what it would be like to be in the wild with these animals.They are amazing!
Rolling home, this was about 8 miles out of Louisburg, Kansas |
I broke camp and rolled home. I decided to take a alternative route home down Old Metcalf. The day was overcast, and the 20 mph would not let up making the ride home a trial. All in all it was a grand adventure!
Not sure where I will go next weekend. Stay tuned!
Also still need help with the funding. Please contribute to the expedition.
Peace, Bill