Friday, May 13, 2011

Expedition update 5/13

Posing for photo after 50 mile ride to Leavenworth
It seems my last post was somehow deleted by Blogger as they have been having tech difficulties. So here is a fresh update!
All is going well! The expedition is still set for July1 in Newport, RI.

Funding and gear: Thanks to Kelly Haas of BKV and Tiffany Hiller for their financial support! To date there has been $870.00 donated! I still need to raise over $6000 more to fully fund this expedition, I will be doing a massive push this next two weeks, so I hope you chip in, and remember every little bit helps, $10, $20, $50... whatever you can do to help us offset expenses. Thanks to Mark Rainey for donating a temporary tent. And this just in, Eric Bunch offering to donate a tent too! Thanks to Cecilia Vigilaturo for letting me borrow her flip camera.

photo with the Tin Man in front of bike shop
Those who donate time, gear, money will get a call from me while on the expedition, mention on the site, and acknowledgement in the follow up book.

Why donate or sponsor? Good question!

I am doing this trip for free to: create a thru Bike Route on the W3R(first time been done) for the National Park Service; to promote cycling for transportation and travel, and help folks remember some of the history and sacrifices made for us so we could live in this great country of ours! And I need the help, I do not have the wallet to cover all the expenses myself.

our camp site on the Missouri River
 This last weekend my friend Randy Rasa and I rode form the Kansas City Suburbs to Desoto, KS, then north to Leavenworth Kansas. We slept in tents on the Missouri River bank. The next day we rode back home. This type of adventure is called a S24O(sub 24 hours overnight). It is a great way to prepare for longer trips and a fun way to have a short adventure! I will try to do one every weekend up to the expedition!

Bill and Randy under the great mural of 1870s Leavenworth
Life is crazy for me right now. Work, expedition planning, weekend S24O trips, I am moving to new place at the end of the month, and my writing. I love it though.

I love everything I do. Oh and it looks like Velocity Wheels is going to come up with a nice set of strong wheels for the trip!

Well, that is it for now!

If you can help out,  please do, this trip is a big deal, in my small way I believe I am makng the world a better place by doing th the expedition-my mission statement says it all. I am nervous and excited all at the same time! Peace to you, Bill

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