We are very happy to announce a new gear sponsor: Taddihogg Cycling Hats
Taddihogg is a brand new company.
"We are a small, two person, hand-made cycling hat company based in the Kansas City area. Our hats are designed to have a little more room for your noggin, unlike the one-size-fits-all corporate styles. We also use small batches of fabric, as well as used clothing and other garments to make many one of a kind hats. We also have in-house embroidery so we can throw on pretty much any logo you like."
Thad Carson, entrepreneur, artist, all weather bike commuter, mountain bike racer, and Postman, will be creating one of a kind hats for the expedition, which will be available in the new few weeks. We are glad to have them on board as an official gear sponsor. These has are very comfortable and stylish.
New supporters!
An expedition like this cost money, I wish it could be done for free, or personally had the wallet to pay for it all myself, but I do not. I am so grateful to those friends and strangers(now new friends) who understand the importance of supporting us. Some of these folks donated without me even asking-I told them about it and they just said, "How can I help?" What kindness.
New individuals:
Gary Mallen of Leawood, KS
John Goodwin of Mission Hills, KS
Elizabeth Bejan, Bill Poindexter, Theresa Van Ackeren
Thank you Family Bicycles and Revolve, Inc! |
Mary Kimble of Blues Springs, MO Lisa Trager of Prairie Village, KS
New organizations and businesses:
Kelley Haas, BKV Marketing,
Overland Park, KS
Joy Homestead, W3R Historic Site, Cranston, RI
Theresa Van Ackeren, Family Bicycles, Kansas City, MO
Elizabeth Bejan, Executive Director, Revolve, Inc, KCMO.
Thank you to all the supporters of the expedition-for a full list of the supporters and behind the scenes team members go to the Team Member and Support Us pages.
Offer of lemonade & acts of kindness:
When I first started to conceive and plan the expedition I was told, "people along the W3R will offer all sorts of things: support, food, a place to sleep, money, parties, help, drink, and whatever else you need." The same generosity's the Revolutionary Soldiers received in 1781.
Still two months away from the July 1st start date I am finding this to be very true!
The most recent act of kindness is from Lydia Rapoza, the Director of Cranston Historical Society, Cranston, RI. They oversee the
Joy Homestead and are kind sponsors of the expedition.
I received an email from Lydia the other day and she said to me, "I am looking forward to greeting you folks. Would you like some lemonade or something? You can use our facilities..."
I love that! We will not be able to stop at every historic site, but we will stop there for sure! Actually they will be our first major rest stop on the first day.
Thoughts on why we are doing the Cycling W3R Expedition:
I believe it is important to share with you my reasons for creating this, sojourn for good:
1. People all over the Earth are trying to gain individual liberty and freedom as our forefathers had to. Remembering the sacrifices made by the people of 1781, men, women, black, white, French, and American is important as we watch others now struggle to gain the same basic Liberty in 2011. Also, we should not take the Liberty we so enjoy for granted-it came at a high cost.
2. This sojourn is a chance for us to be the first expedition to map a safe bike route for future users of the W3R and it will show how bicycling for travel is a fun and responsible way to see our National Park System.
3. With the high cost of gas, high obesity rates, and demise of "mom and pop" businesses this expedition will showing how bicycling for transportation is a great way to save money, get healthier, and support local communities as people bicycle close to home and buy local.
We are just trying to make the world a better place two wheels at a time :).
Your thoughts, ideas, and help are welcome!
Peace, Bill