Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Expedition update 6/7/2011

Just 23 days from the start! Wow!

Thanks very much for the three kind contributions from:

Dave Nelson-Prairie Village, Ks
Ralph D Nelson, Jr-from Florida
Katie Schell, Mission Hills

I am getting really excited! I have been riding around Kansas City with a loaded bicycle in the 95f+ heat and riding hills. It's great training, one just keeps it in a gear where you can keep up a conversation so you can last the 5-8 hours a day in the saddle...although, I do not do alot of talking while riding up a steep hill! :)

I will be asking for contributions before and during the expedition. My friend Katie reminded me that I need to keep asking for help. I appreciate that, as it is not easy doing all the planning, logistics, marketing, public relations, social media, and fundraising. I appreciate all the help I have gotten to this point! I told Katie that everyone who has helped, whether, designing the logo, or printing fliers, loaning me gear, or contributing funds, everyone is on the Expedition Team.

All those team members (see list below) will be receiving a text or email from me before the expedition, and a phone call during the expedition, as well as acknowledgement in the following guide book and travel narrative.
Right now it looks like I will be flying into Boston around the 26th, then taking a bus to Wood Hole, MA, then a Ferry to Martha's Vineyard, MA, staying with some friends, then taking a Ferry to Providence on or the day before the first of July.

On July 1 I will be stopping first at Joy Homestead for some light refreshment and seeing our good friend and Cycling W3R Expedition supporter Lydia!

And then on towards CT!

I am still not sure where I will camp the first night, but a new friend, Jennifer suggested she has some friends in Greene, RI who have a farm, so that may be it for the first day?

Thanks to Joe Dibello and Samantha Driscoll of the National Park Service for getting me some great google maps! Those were needed! Although I am mapping out a safe cycling map, I needed a base from which to start.

 Here is my basic route in Rhode Island.

Ok, so that is it for now. I will update again in a couple of days. If you have any ideas or thoughts, email me: bill@poindexterrecruiting.com


A list of donors and supporters to date.

Financial Contributions
Katie Schell-Mission Hills, KS
Ralph D Nelson, Jr- Florida
Dave Nelson- Prairie Village, KS
Lydia Rapoza-Coventry, RI
Debbie Simpson-Mission Hills, KS
Dana Niles-Merion Station, PA
Claudia Gibson-West Lebanon, NH
Tiffany Hiller-Prairie Village, KS
Mary Kimble-Blue Springs, MO
Gary Mallen-Leawood, KS
Lisa Trager-Prairie Village, KS
John Goodwin-Misson Hills, KS
Carolyn Suffern-Suffern, NY
Randy Rasa-Springhill, KS
Pete Storm-Vienna, VA
Adam Gatewood-Topeka, KS

Organizations and Businesses
Joy Homestead-W3R historical site, Cranston, RI
Theresa Van Ackeren-Family Bicycles, Kansas City, MO
Elizabeth Bejan-Revolve Inc, Kansas City, MO
BKV Direct Marketing, Overland Park, KS

Support team
Damon Rodnac-route logistics
David Fagerberg-route logistics
Bonnie Boyles and Kevin Ryland-logo
Robert Selig-Expedition Historian
Mark Rainey-Printing
David Rainey-Bicycle paint job
Adventure Cycling Association-Winona Bateman
W3R-US et al.
William Rose-Photographer and Artist

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